How to Train a Parakeet | Parrot Training Guide

Training Parakeet is a very important step and we can customize the parrot with proper training. The first thing to do is to buy a small parrot or to adopt it. Younger chicks can be trained more easily than adults. But it is not an easy task and it can take a long time to fully train your pet bird. With patience and perseverance, success is assured. You can train your parrot well by following these steps.

How to Train a Parakeet guide

Select a younger bird:

Buying a Parakeet at a young age is a very important point for proper training of birds. It is very easy to train young chicks. When you go to a store to buy this Parakeet, buy it after looking carefully and testing it. Sometimes the owners of the pet store cut the feathers of the bird so that it cannot fly and is forced to sit on your hands or fingers. We can call such a parrot a forced parrot, but we cannot call it a well-trained pet bird at all. That's why you should be very careful when buying and it is better that you take a small parrot and train it yourself.

Train a Parakeet easy guide

Exercise patience and perseverance while training:

Parakeet training is hard work and it doesn't happen very quickly. You have to show a lot of patience and perseverance while training parrots. Provide the best environment for your pet bird and teach it the things you want it to learn. Over time, each bird becomes accustomed to its environment. Under the tutelage of the owners, he can learn new things. When he gets used to the environment, then he starts dancing and singing. In addition, his dealings with the owners become very social and good. But remember that to achieve these goals you need to train your birds properly and work patiently.

Best practices for socializing Parakeet:

Pet birds are generally less familiar to humans than to young ones. We have to resolve this situation with appropriate measures and proper training. At a young age, if a bird's cage is placed in a place where people come and go, they will get used to it. That way, their fear of strangers will be greatly reduced. This is the best way to make your parrot social.

Also, talk to your bird very gently from outside the cage. Leave the bird alone for a long time and go to the cage only to change food or water.

parakeet in hand feeding

Gaining Parakeet's trust over time:

If you follow the steps mentioned above properly, The parakeet will become accustomed to your home and your environment. The strangeness of the early days will gradually fade away. This is the best time to win Parakeet's trust. If you want to feed your pet bird in your hand, you have to prepare it now. But remember that you should never go into a cage all of a sudden. That way the bird will be scared and will not get used to you.

The best way to earn a parakeet's trust is to get used to it slowly with your finger first. You can offer food for this purpose by placing food on your finger. In a few days, the bird will become somewhat familiar to you. Gently caress the bird's body with your fingers but do not try to squeeze it. Nor do it to climb on your finger.

If you train it patiently, in a few days the parrot will become very familiar with you. He will start to sit on your finger and try to talk to you. In this way, they have gained the trust of Parakeet and can take him out of the cage with your hands. This is how to train your parakeet in a simple way.

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