Amazilia Hummingbird Profile | Breeding, Food, and Behavior

Amazilia is a wonderful little bird, a kind of hummingbird. It is called by many names, one of which is Versicolor. As you may know, hummingbirds are very small in size and they weigh very little. This bird also weighs only four grams. Surprisingly, the hummingbirds have a very long beak and so does Amazilia. Let's get complete information about it.

Amazilia bird complete information

Native habitat and Historical Information:

Amazilia has been seen mostly in South America. It doesn't like to live in secluded places or forests. So it is not widely seen in the rainforest. He loves to build nests in the trees. Sometimes Amazilia has even been seen in urban areas.

Amazilia's physical appearance:

Like all the rest hummingbirds, the original size of Amazilia is very small and it also weighs less. This little bird is only eight centimeters long and weighs four grams. Because it is so small, people pay close attention and they look at it with interest.

Amazilia hummingbird picture

If we talk about its feathers, the color of Amazilia's tail feathers is green. The wings above the arms and back are green and the lower abdomen is white۔ The beak of this bird is very long and black in color. The flesh in the beak can be orange.

Female Amazilia birds are smaller in size than male birds. To identify them, one has to look carefully at the color of the wings, because there is a slight difference. In females, the feathers may be blue or white instead of green.

Amazilia temperament and behavior:

Hummingbirds are not always the most social birds. In this way, Amazilia is not very social and he does not like to hang out with people at all. However, this bird is more social than other birds of its species. It is commonly seen in populated areas and people enjoy seeing him a lot. That's why people living in urban areas sometimes put food on the roofs for them to eat.

The favorite food of Amazilia :

Amazilia is mainly fond of eating insects and plant nectar. They are a major part of their diet. Being a small bird, it eats plant nectar as food and also causes pollination. In this way, they help the survival of many plants in Central America. All of the protein is obtained by eating these insects.


During the breeding season, male Amazilias try their best to attract the attention of females. They started to perform a variety of tricks to impress and attract attention. These include high-speed diving and a variety of dance performances. Pairing depends entirely on the woman and she decides which male she wants to go with.

Sometimes when a man makes a pair with Amazilia female, some other male fights and tries to get her. In this situation, they are very aggressive.

During the breeding season, the female hummingbird’s job is to gather material to build a nest so that she can lay eggs. The incubation period is about twelve days after which the babies come out.

Amazilia mother feeding her babies

Adequate temperature is required for hatching. After birth, Amazilia babies are weak and cannot take care of themselves. Therefore, it takes about a month for the mother to take care of babies. Then the chicks are able to take care of themselves on their own.

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