
Zebra Finch Breeding Ultimate Guide | Age, and Breed Cycle

Zebra Finch is a very popular bird and on this page, we will tell you all about their breeding.

What is the breeding season for them?

What is the age of Zebra Finch for breeding?

And how does a complete breeding cycle work?

These are the questions you have come across on our blog in search of answers. Zebra Finch is a very beautiful and wonderful pet bird. They have been kept as domestic pets for over 150 years. People want to know how to breed them so that they can have more of such beautiful birds. You will be happy to know that breeding these birds is very easy. But they must be provided with all the basic necessities. If they are properly cared for and given a balanced diet, you will find healthy chicks.

Zebra Finch ultimate guide

Zebra Finch Breeding Age:

The minimum age of these birds for breeding is one year. None of the parents should have any physical problems. It is best to get the birds checked by a doctor before breeding. So that the newborn baby is perfectly healthy and free from diseases.

Video Guide to Breed Finch birds:

Things to do before breeding:

If you want to breed Zebra Finch, there are some things to make sure of. The most important thing is the time and resources needed to breed these birds. Arrange a suitable home for the children so that they do not face any health problems after birth.

Food during this period:

We have to pay special attention to the diet of the birds that are prepared for breeding. So that their bodies are healthy and they can have healthy children. Zebra Finch needs high-quality seeds during breed season. At the same time, the use of various food supplements is also beneficial. Fresh vegetables, pulses, and eggs are rich in nutrients. Which provides all the essential nutrients to these birds.

Cage size and Nest:

As we have said before, Zebra Finch is a very active and dynamic bird. They need a very large cage. Pairs that need to be bred should have a cage at least 30 inches long and 18 inches high. Providing a large cage for birds is very useful. It keeps them mentally and physically fit and healthy.

In addition, there are small nests for birds that are built for breeding. They can be made of different materials. Providing such a nest inside the cage makes it easier for the birds to breed.

Zebra Finch Breeding Cycle:

In the following steps, we have described the breeding cycle well. This will give you complete information about the cycle.

Zebra Finch chicks

Incubation and laying of eggs:

Zebra Finch can lay three to eight eggs for breeding. The female lays one egg a day. When the required amount of eggs is reached, she sits on the eggs to hatch.

As for the incubation period, the chicks start hatching from the eggs within 15 days of the incubation period. If I don't hatch even after 20 or 22 days, then it is difficult to hatch from eggs. In such cases, leave the female bird alone and reduce stress on her.

Baby Zebra Finch Bird Care:

Zebra Finch birds are generally not very social and cannot be raised by hand. Therefore, owners should allow parents birds to train and raise their children. In addition, parents should be provided the best food. In this regard, dishes made from eggs and seeds full of protein are very good.

Shifting children to a new cage:

Babies of Zebra Finch birds depend on their parents for about six weeks. After six weeks, they emerge from the nest on their own and try to find food. In this way, they gradually become acquainted with the environment outside the nest. When their fears are gone, you can move them to a new cage.

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